All posts Archives and archivists‘Dude, where art thine quill?’Thursday 29 July 2021Working in Collection Care, we have a unique view of the documents that come...Records and researchThe rebel councillors: The 1921 Poplar Rates RebellionThursday 29 July 2021In 1921, 30 councillors and guardians were sent to prison for defying the government....Records and researchA Magna Carta for refugeesWednesday 28 July 2021The 28th of July 2021 marks the 70th anniversary of the United Nations’ 1951...Records and researchFighting the ’flu, 1918-1919 (Part one)Tuesday 27 July 2021Just over a century ago, an unusually deadly influenza pandemic broke out, killing an...Archives and archivistsThe Archivist’s Guide to Film: Target for TonightSunday 25 July 2021Eighty years ago, on 25 July 1941, the Ministry of Information released a film...Records and researchManors, Mining and the G7Wednesday 21 July 2021What do manors, mining and the G7 all have in common?...Behind the scenesAdventures at the ArchivesMonday 19 July 2021Explore a national treasure right on your doorstep which is free and open to...Behind the scenesCataloguing WO 25 officers’ records of serviceThursday 15 July 2021The restrictions over the past year have meant having to look at other ways...Records and researchCataloguing the Middle East Mandates: Restarting the projectThursday 8 July 2021Back in 2018, we planned a project to catalogue part of the Colonial Office...Archives and archivistsTooting fork, Tooting tales, Wonderland and Wind-down-Wednesdays: Projects in a pandemicMonday 5 July 2021What happens when you set out to run one project but then have to...Records and research‘Kisses and kind thoughts’: Queer networks and letters between menThursday 24 June 2021The basement flat was home to Bobby, where he would hold parties for a...Archives and archivistsConnecting collections amid COVID-19Wednesday 23 June 2021Though it was on April Fools’ Day, 75 years ago, that they opened their... « 1 … 29 30 31 32 33 … 169 »