Category: Behind the scenes Behind the scenesThe changing face of fashionTuesday 24 May 2016In need of some inspiration for your summer wardrobe? Check out this bundle of...Behind the scenesWebsite redesign: one website of multisitesFriday 6 May 2016Our site appears to be a single website, but we are actually segmenting it...Behind the scenesMerry May readingTuesday 26 April 2016From Tudor tales to First World War diaries, we share books for the May...Archives and archivistsWhen art and archives collideFriday 22 April 2016On 12 April The National Archives opened its first contemporary art exhibition: 'Changing the...Archives and archivistsDiscovering the nation’s newly accessioned collectionsThursday 14 April 2016Every year archives enrich their collections by taking in new records and developing...Behind the scenesThe Bard in the bookshopTuesday 12 April 2016We have stocked up on a range of titles on all aspects of the...Behind the scenesConserving Shakespeare’s willMonday 4 April 2016The conservation team had to make a difficult decision: should we carry out renewed...Archives and archivistsA French trainee curator in KewFriday 1 April 2016As part of the training course to become a French curator, you are expected...Behind the scenesWax, cord and ink: the materiality of recordsTuesday 22 March 2016We are only starting to scratch the surface of what the materials in our...Behind the scenesBuilding a virtual First World War villageMonday 21 March 2016While considering the best way to tell stories from the Home Front, the idea...Behind the scenesWhat happens when the lights go outMonday 7 March 2016We explain how we dealt with a power cut at The National Archives…...Behind the scenesLand girls, Spitfire girls and spies: women in warTuesday 1 March 2016I have always been amazed at the courage of women who served in the... « 1 … 18 19 20 21 22 … 38 »